Photographing Banff Wolves
Happy New Year everyone! After a long hiatus (12 days) away from my camera, blog, and computer, I returned to looking for wolves in Banff and the mountain parks this week with a vengeance, spending five of the past seven days in the field all day searching for members of several different wolf families. That puts me at an even 50 days in the field looking for wolves since the middle of October, so it’s now official: I’m addicted to looking for wolves much like I’m addicted to looking for grizzlies, and much like I’m addicted to chocolate and the Vancouver Canucks (first overall, baby!!).
With the holiday traffic rush on park roads, wolves have been few and far between this holiday season, but I did have some luck on December 31st traipsing around off-road in the snow. Since I’m supposed to be at the Foothills Camera Club in Calgary tonight for a short talk, I’m only going to show you a quick video of the wolves for now, and I’ll follow that up with the tale of stalking the wolves on the river and some photos tomorrow.
If you’re interested in learning more about photographing Banff, Jasper and Kananaskis Country wolves, or for that matter, wild wolves anywhere, then I’d love to see you at my Tall Tales, Long Lenses talk in Calgary on February 18th. There are still tickets available and I’m hoping it will be a sold-out show! I promise I will limit the bad jokes and not limit the amazing stories.
Hope you enjoy the video, this is Blizzard, Chester, and Meadow romping around on the river right near the Town of Banff.
Happy shooting! Watch for the photos and stories tomorrow.
Jenn Jilks
January 5, 2011 at 6:24 pmWe've had a wolf in our backyard. Very exciting, especially for our 14 wild deer!
Looking forward to the shots.
January 6, 2011 at 5:18 amCool!
Nathalie Fortier
January 6, 2011 at 3:24 pmI hate you John Marriott! : ))
January 8, 2011 at 5:28 amCool!