
The Dempster – A Second Look

This is my first crack at showing off a few more Dempster (and other northern) images. I sat down this morning with the grand intention of showing the best of the best, but only made it through 2 of my 24 Dempster and Yukon/NWT folders before I figured I better stop and just throw a post up. So needless to say, there will be a lot more images from the north to come in future weeks!

A rainbow over the Richardson Mountains in the Yukon

And as an overall summary of the trip, here are some numbers for you. Enjoy!

17,331 – kilometres driven from August 9th to September 15th

3 – number of wolverines seen (my first ones ever!)

4 – provinces and territories covered (BC, Alberta, the Yukon and the NWT)

4 – number of wolf sightings, including the adorable little pup below

1,631 – cost of my brake repair

2 – number of lynx sightings

1 – number of lynx and kitten sightings (!!), photos to come

0 – number of on-the-road disagreements between my wife and I **

27 – number of nights spent sleeping in the car

1 – number of sunny days

A short-eared owl on the tundra. I shot this at 6:01 a.m with my ISO cranked to 4000.

A herd of young bull caribou on the tundra in the Northwest Territories

“Owning the Road” – a grizzly walks down the dead middle of a road near Kluane National Park

A lone wild wolf pup in the boreal forest

Another rainbow along the Dempster

It may never win any awards, but it is one my first ever wild wolverine pictures!!

Fog in the Richardson Mountains, Northwest Territories

A beautiful griz in beautiful fall colours

Hope you enjoyed this second glimpse at some of my shots from the adventure up north.

Happy shooting!


** – may not be entirely true 😉

One Comment on “The Dempster – A Second Look

peter sulzle
September 24, 2010 at 5:18 am

I disagree, I love the wolverine pic!


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